Cascades Theatrical Company is almost entirely volunteer-run. We’re is always looking for passionate people to help take our theatre and talent to the next level! Have you been looking for a way to help CTC, but weren’t sure how? How about helping on our Membership Committee? If you’re artistic, why not help construct our sets or design sound and lighting for our productions? Perhaps you’re looking to direct, stage manage or work behind the scenes as part of our crew. No amount of help is too small or too great!

We welcome people of all genders, abilities, ethnicities and backgrounds to act at CTC.
We are passionate about keeping local theatre alive and well in beautiful Bend, but we need talented people like YOU to keep us going. If you are passionate about acting, used to act but haven’t in a while, or have never acted but always wanted to, we’d love you to come to an audition!

Welcome! We accept people of all genders, abilities, ethnicities and backgrounds to Direct, AD, Stage Manager and Costume at CTC.