In Oscar Wilde’s most famous and final play, wealthy and bored protagonists, Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff, court two women, Gwendolen Fairfax and Cecily Cardew, pretending to be men named Ernest. Jack, who resides in the country, introduces a devious and unruly brother named Ernest who resides in the city so that he can be reckless in one place while also being arguably mature in another. Algernon pretends to have to check in on a pale and sickly fellow named Bunbury when he is introduced to responsibilities or events he does not desire to participate in. Eventually, upon hearing of Cecily Cardew, Jack’s ward, from Jack, he pretends to be Ernest as well. The show is full of dramatic, romantic proposals that are only thwarted by the womens’ claim that they must marry a man named Ernest. The comedy follows a common structure, often seen in Shakespearean comedies, of misunderstandings and mistaken identities. Set in the 1980’s.
Written by Oscar Wilde
Directed by Emily Cady
September 3-19, 2021
Preview September 2, 2021
Cast of Characters
(Order of Appearance)
Lane/Marie: Desi Thrower
Algernon Montcreiff: Daniel Witty
Jack Worthing: Stephen Wagner
Lady Bracknell: Kathryn Galán
Gwendolyn Fairfax: Kisky Holwerda
Cecily Cardew: Ramya Hipp
Miss Prism: Annie Tappouni
Dr. Chasuble: Brad Knowles
Production Team
Director: Emily Cady
Assistant Director: Robert Flanagan
Co-Stage Manager: Wendy Short
Co-Stage Manager: Sienna Moreau
Set Design and Construction: Gary Loddo
Costume Design: Florence Crombecque
Sound Design: TBD
Lighting Design: TBD
Prop Design: Desi Thrower
Booth Operator: Alice Huddleston
Running Crew: Mirishana Dunham
Running Crew: Max Dunham