Welcome to CTC!
We welcome people of all genders, abilities, ethnicities and backgrounds to act at CTC.
We are passionate about keeping local theatre alive and well in beautiful Bend, but we need talented people like YOU to keep us going. If you are passionate about acting, used to act but haven’t in a while, or have never acted but always wanted to, we’d love you to come to an audition!

Please fill out the below form(s) for which of our current season (2023-2024) shows you would like to audition for in particular.
Below is our general audition form if you would like to be notified about all upcoming auditions.
Please read the following before submitting the form above:
Please note: by clicking submit at the bottom of this form you acknowledge that you have read and fully understand these CTC Policies and Procedures. Disregarding the policies, procedures, and general information provided may result in termination of your services.
It is the policy of CTC to afford equal opportunity for all persons without distinction or discrimination because of an individual’s race, color, creed, gender, religion, age, national origin, or disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or other status protected by law.
ZERO tolerance policy
Threats, intimidation, sexual harassment, or acts of violence shall not be ignored, condoned, or tolerated. If any of our policies are broken it is considered cause for immediate dismissal.
NO drug or alcohol consumption
This includes recreational marijuana, or any other banned substance before or during performances and rehearsals. Actors who arrive to rehearsals or performances under the influence will be replaced.
CTC is a non-smoking establishment
There are designated outdoor areas for smoking.
NO gossip policy
CTC is intended to be a safe space for all involved. Sharing grievances online or with others could hinder this. Any issues involving the cast or crew can be sent to the Executive Director (howardhuskey@cascadestheatrical.org) to be handled promptly.
NO weapons policy
The possession of, or the use of, any firearm, weapon, deadly weapon or other dangerous or flammable material is strictly forbidden. This applies to concealed weapons as well.
Background Checks may be required
CTC requires background checks to be completed for every cast & crew member in shows that include minors. If necessary, the office will provide the forms for you. A third party facilitates and CTC is not given the results, only made aware if there is an issue that needs to be addressed.
CTC Materials Protection Policy
All materials provided by CTC must be returned on the day of strike in the same condition. Please use extreme caution and care around costumes and props. If any costume is stained or torn, or a prop broken, you may be charged a fee.
If scripts/librettos are to be returned to the publisher you must only use pencil for markings and erase before turning in.
Photo & Press Release: I hereby give CTC the right and permission to copyright and/or use, reuse and/or publish, edit/alteration without restriction, on reproductions thereof in color, or black and white made through any media by CTC or the photographer, for any purpose whatsoever, including the use of any printed matter in conjunction herewith. I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photos or video that may be used in conjunction therewith or the eventual use that it might be applied. I hereby release, discharge and agree CTC, the photographer, his representatives, assigns, employees or any person or corporation, acting under his permission or authority, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product, in whole or in part, from and against any liability as a result of any distortion, blurring, or alteration, optical illusion, or use in any composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking, processing or reproduction of the finished product, its publication, or distribution.
Anonymous Production Concerns Form
Please fill out the below form if you want to let CTC admin know of any issues regarding actors, director, crew, etc.
We hope that anonymously reporting any issues up front will allow for the discloser to remain anonymous but allow CTC to handle the issue.
Our goal is to settle issues earlier into the production process than later, eliminating any chaos during premiere time.
We want to help and we are here for you!